27 Mart 2012 Salı

to my best friend..

I believe all of the living creature have destiny..I mean nothing is coincidence in our life..sometimes we live some thing which change the our life radically..it is good or not..anyway I have milestone in my life which is about the meeting to someone..I rub elbows with her seven year ago as I saw foreign her..however when least expected we met again and our friendship was begin..Right now she is my best friend and sister.We leave a lot of things together but it is fact that she is with me as ı needed..Iam thinking if she doesnot stay with me, I cannot overcome my issues which makes no difference indeed..She is the besty ı have seen and I always thank having the best friend to Allah..when I cry she cry,when ı hurt she hurt,when ı fight se fight she is really one of the best gift ı have taken..Recently finding friend who is honest and faithful is get hard as my best friend..I hope that the friendship is continued both the this life and life after death..

18 Mart 2012 Pazar


Bazen İngilizce bazen Türkçe kafama göre değil aslında düşünceleri kolay aktarıma bağlı olarak tercih edeceğim bakalım bu ilk yazı=)söz uçar yazı kalır bizde geldik bi' şeyler karalamaya hadi hayırlısı=)yakında görüşmek üzere;)